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1976 Steering Wheel Reconditioning


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2004
Early 1976 L-48, 2008 Victory Red
1976 Steering wheel

Does anyone know where I can get my orginal 1976 steering wheel reconditioned? I can't find a "new" replacement so I am interested in reconditioning. Thanks
I have an origional around somewhere it is a brownish color, they were "vega" wheels as I understand it. If interested I will dig it up and photo it
Craig sr
Please let me know

Yes if you can find it I would be interested. Mine is more Tan than Brown but a picture would be great. Thanks
I found mine, but will have to clean it up some. The owner before me put one of those covers on it and it is sticking to the wheel. The wheel has no cracks but has been sitting in the barn for a while. I may be wrong but I think a 76 has a one year column and wheel the same as used in a vega. Other columns will fit (I have an earlier column in mine) but the wheel has to be a 76 to fit the 76 column.
Hey, you guys are right on the '76 with a "Vega Type" steering wheel. 1976 was the only year with that type of steering wheel.

I don't know if a Vega steering wheel is the same size, but it does look the same.

Many people didn't like that steering wheel and myself was one of them, but it was on my '76. When I looked for my present Vette I avoided any '76s just because I couldn't live with the steering wheel and being that I like to keep my Vette all original.

The 1976 model has many many great features, just in my opionion the steering wasn't one of them.

If I had a '76 I would find that wheel though because that is what is so unigue on the year.

I'll keep my ears and eyes open for one.

As the owner of a '76 with the one year only column and steering wheel let me say this: I don't hear Z28 owners crying about sharing a wheel with Corvettes and Vegas! That being said, If you wish to replace the wheel you'll need a different column. It is not cost effective to modify the 76 column for a real Corvette only wheel. Using a '73-'75 steering column will give you a great solution for using a true Corvette only wheel, including the great '77 replacement wheel. I have long considered replacing my black '76 wheel but it isn't awful, feels pretty good and lets me spend more $$$ on the rest of the car. Oh yeah, the column replacement is a direct bolt on with no silly modifications needed. Yes, it is very cool and worth the trouble. I just wish Chevrolet hadn't reinvented the column just for that darn wheel! But if you're trying to keep the car as correct as possible - this wheel is your only choice. I just hope you have a decent interior color! The wheel looks great in a black interior (yes, as good as it can considering). Thanks for humoring me, too.

1976 L48 Bright Yellow Stingray w/black leather deluxe interior...
There are a few places that do this but the only one that comes to mind is Corvette Originals in Douglasville Ga..Let me know if your interested ,Ill hunt down the #.I had a 77 wheel done by him a few years ago and he did a nice job.
PaintDaddy I would be interested in the number if you can find it. I have contacted a couple of wheel refurbisher's and so far no luck. Thanks
Some of the catalogue places do them as well. I'm at work so I can't give you which ones specifically, I just recall when I was looking for interior parts that I noticed the service.
76okievette said:
PaintDaddy I would be interested in the number if you can find it. I have contacted a couple of wheel refurbisher's and so far no luck. Thanks
Corvette originals# is 770-949-8833.The owners name is Dennis,good guy and easy to deal with.
BY76--My research into this dilema has shown this; The Columns themselves from 69 to 76 are EXACTLY the SAME <I'm talking about T&T> The 76 Telescoping part and wheel is different, Vega style. .Yechh.. But you can take the top of the 75 and earlier telescoping part off with wheel and lock ring and put it on your 76. It will work.. Also you can take the 77 and later telescoping part with wheel and lock ring and use this. The catch there is the cover is a little shorter on the 77 & up and leaves a slight gap when fully extended.. Checkout CORVETTEFAQ.com under steering.. lots of good info there ..
Got the same problem...but with a telescopic column...BIG PITA! Has anyone tried a cover that doesn't look absolutely horrible???
I've been reading everywhere that really, there is no replacement for our wheel. It is basically a Vega style, and to replace our wheel we would need to change out the telescopic part with a 75 or lower vette, or 77 and higher vette. Is this true?

Grant is the biggest name in custom steering wheels, and they adapter kits fit ALL vettes from 68-82. Is this an oversight by them? I mean a big name company like themselves should know better....

Faster, I would talk to the Grant folks before I purchased anything, I have found out that the steering wheel on the 1976 does require some changeing to the columb if you want to change the wheel. I am trying to keep the car 100% orginal and would love to have a perfect condition orginal steering wheel, but that is even harder to find than a replacement wheel.
Thanks Sherry, I appreciate the info I will look and see what I can find.
Check with the big vette parts folk like Mid American - They don't carry an adapter for different wheels on tilt/telescopic '76 columns. Of course, now that I say that it has been a couple years since I looked hard and heavy at this. Me? I'm keeping my wheel because it's the only wheel Corvettes came with in 1976 and it's not awful to drive the car with. Would I like a pre or post '76 wheel? You bet! But I'd save the old column and wheel just in case when it comes time to trade off to another C3. Grant? I always associated their stuff with Cal Custom - ok for Novas but not Corvettes. I'm sure they've improved over time but to make an adapter for a single model year seems like a real long shot. Expect to do modifications if they do offer one. I think that would be worse than a column change for the better wheel choices.
Bright Yellow, again thanks for the info. I am going to keep the 1976 wheel in my car, for a couple reason's, one is the car is 100% orginal and I want to keep it that way and two I kind of like the wheel. I am going to try the "WheelSkins" leather cover and use some vinyl paint on the spokes to see if I can get the orginal wheel looking a little better. Thanks for all the input.

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