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1982 crossfire


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2010
1982 collectors edition
I have a large problem and I've done this before and now it doesn't work.
Setting up the crossfire with a manometer.
I have everything hooked up,IAC's disconnected and plugged.
Connect manometer to rear TBI. Helper is in car with gear shift in drive,
Adjust idle screw to obtain 6 inches. Water does not move.
Take of Manometer making sure all holes are plugged.
Engine gets rough and smother but water stays the same, balanced
Water moves freely in Manometer both ways.
Now I try to adjust idle for 600 and can't get it that low.
Am I missing something simple or whatl

Thanks, Jim Billig jlbillig@verizon.net
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I have a large problem and I've done this before and now it doesn't work.
Setting up the crossfire with a manometer.
I have everything hooked up,IAC's disconnected and plugged.
Connect manometer to rear TBI. Helper is in car with gear shift in drive,
Adjust idle screw to obtain 6 inches. Water does not move.
Take of Manometer making sure all holes are plugged.
Engine gets rough and smother but water stays the same, balanced
Water moves freely in Manometer both ways.
Now I try to adjust idle for 600 and can't get it that low.
Am I missing something simple or whatl

Thanks, Jim Billig jlbillig@verizon.net

Jim- I assume you have removed the anti-tamper plug from the driver's side TB unit and cut the spot weld on the adjustment screw cap for the passenger side TB, right?

Have you capped the other vacuum ports off while setting up the manometer? Perhaps you have a leak on one of those. Or how about the TB to intake gasket- is that in good shape? Are you IACs fully extended- have you verified?

Here is a good article that covers the basic steps to setting balance and idle speed. Hope that helps!

Chevrolet Corvette EFI System Tuning - Tech Articles - Corvette Fever Magazine

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