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1990 vette buying guide

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Well the time has come to trade my 85 for a 1990,im keeping my 86,but the 85 going,so cn anybody tell me what to look for on a 1990?Its got the restyled dash etc,so how do you check fault codes on these?is it the same as my 85?Is there much difference in performance in a 90?

Any help and advice would be great.
Common problem on the 1990 is the air bag light comes on and stays on. The impact sensors on the frame rails need to be re-grounded. An unscrupulous former owner might have simply removed the telltale light bulb.

The nippondenso 10pa20c compressor, which was used all the way up to 96, develops a leak in the shaft seal over time, if you see oil on the underside of the hood, you're looking at a new a/c system.

I had all kinds of problems with the speed density in my 1990, the car would suddenly stall while driving. I don't recall what the fix was, it was years ago.

If the car has FX3, it will cost a fortune to fix.

I doubt you'll notice much of a performance difference, it's basically the same engine and intake as your 85, except it has aluminum heads. The intake manifold gasket will probably be leaking, if it hasn't been fixed already.
My 90 has been great. Only problem I've had is the air bag light staying on. Car has 104,000 miles, no leaks, speed density systm has been bullet proof. Codes can be pulled up on the digital speedometer display. Hope this helps, Marty
Well i had a look at the car today,sure enough the airbag light was on,brake pedal was rock hard,so i think the booster was dodgy,and the car struggled to idle,so i didnt buy it,made the right decision i think!!

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