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2006 Black ZO6 For Sale!!!

GS Diva

Nov 1, 2000
Conway, SC
2016 Daytona Sunrise Orange Metallic Z06
We just lined up a 2006 black ZO6 with 250 miles! It will be here soon. Be the one to get this one!!:D $77,900

Call me!!

Corvette Mike New England
617-872-8252 Cell
Hope you sell it, even if I don't agree with the price. I am curious as to the used status with only 250 miles? A demo, I don't think so, more car then the first buyer bargained for, if only the car could speak.

I am sure you will sell it, but let me wish you good luck anyway. :upthumbs
I guess everyone except Kerbeck is marking them up. I will NEVER pay over sticker.
Lucy64 said:
I will NEVER pay over sticker.

Nor will I!! However, that is what is happening all over now. Today I just had confirmation that a 2006 ZO6 from a local MA Chevy dealer sold for $91,000!!! Yes, you heard me...$91,000!!:crazy Now, tell me that isn't an inflated price!!

Well, I guess as long as enough fools are willing to pay it we will continue to see it.
If someone has a problem with a price, how about communicating that by PM rather than polluting her ad. This is a capitalist country and she has a right to ask whatever she wants for the car.
Lucy64 said:
I guess everyone except Kerbeck is marking them up. I will NEVER pay over sticker.

Unless you are the original owner, I bet you payed well over sticker for that '64. :)
Andy.E said:
If someone has a problem with a price, how about communicating that by PM rather than polluting her ad. This is a capitalist country and she has a right to ask whatever she wants for the car.

Thank you, Andy, for "defending" me:) ...but the ZO6 is not my car personally, but rather one of the Corvettes that I/we sell at Corvette Mike New England. Anyone who knows Mike or has ever bought a car from him/us can attest to the quality of our Corvettes.

Besides, it's a matter of "supply and demand"...that's what causes the prices to either rise or fall. It's a fact of life.;)

Thanks again!

The product is worth what ever the buyer is willing to pay, be it new or used.:w
No problem Elaine. I made my comment knowing you were with Corvette Mike and that this is part of your inventory. Whether it's a dealer car or not you should be able to ask whatever you want without getting abused on your own thread. :)

bet you paid over sticker for the 64....god i am still laughing on that one..
Back when the Z06 for 2006 was just released many here on CAC moaned and complained about how the big ole Chevy Dealers were marking up the new cars and everyone thought that was so wrong. Now almost a year into production a used one gets posted here on CAC for more then the sticker and I am such a mean guy for making the same comments. Well excuse me. As for the price for the 64, that was just a dumb comment. To even compare the pricing of a 40+ year old collectable to a new car that may or may not become a collectable many years down the road is foolish. I didn't mean to stir up things on this subject. I don't think it is the comments I made about being over priced but the fact that y'all took it as an attack on one of the CAC Moderators. I am sorry if it came accross that way.
GS Diva said:
Anyone who knows Mike or has ever bought a car from him/us can attest to the quality of our Corvettes.

Mine is a Corvette Mike car, out of Anaheim, and I can attest to the fact that he only sells the best and that he's one of the good guys.
Lucy64 said:
Back when the Z06 for 2006 was just released many here on CAC moaned and complained about how the big ole Chevy Dealers were marking up the new cars and everyone thought that was so wrong. Now almost a year into production a used one gets posted here on CAC for more then the sticker and I am such a mean guy for making the same comments. Well excuse me. As for the price for the 64, that was just a dumb comment. To even compare the pricing of a 40+ year old collectable to a new car that may or may not become a collectable many years down the road is foolish. I didn't mean to stir up things on this subject. I don't think it is the comments I made about being over priced but the fact that y'all took it as an attack on one of the CAC Moderators. I am sorry if it came accross that way.


I can assure you that no offense was taken at all!!! I well understand your feelings, but it all boils down to the fact that as long as people are willing to pay the price, however inflated it might be, there's always going to be Corvettes (or anything else) available at those prices. As I said before, it's the old supply and demand thing!:)

Erik S. Klein said:
Mine is a Corvette Mike car, out of Anaheim, and I can attest to the fact that he only sells the best and that he's one of the good guys.


Thanks for the testimonial! I'm with Corvette Mike New England in Plymouth, MA, but both organizations (as well as the Corvette Mike Midwest) have the same high standards. The quality of our cars is well known, as is our very favorable reputation .

Again, I appreciate your comments!:) Thanks.

By the way, this black ZO6 has sold!

Well, save me a yellow Z06. I should be able to afford it once the kids are out of college.

They're 2 and 4 now. . . ;)
I sure did not mean to start any flack and I have not received any possible answers to this question.

I am curious as to the used status with only 250 miles? A demo, I don't think so, more car then the first buyer bargained for, if only the car could speak.

But here is a link which came from "Corvette Action Center > 1997 - 2004 Corvettes > C5 General Discussion
2002 Corvette " post #25,

Las Vegas Corvettes Association "vettes for sale, 2006 C6 Z06 - near new - For

Note this comment in the first paragraph, from the first post

Imported it from Minnesota's Village Chevy dealer new in January. Shipped enclosed. Tried it out and it's not for me. I have the title. You want it?”

True the author here does not say exactly why, "Tried it out and it's not for me." But, I am curious if some are getting the new C6 Z06 and finding out that it is much more car then they wish to try and handle, horsepower wise, on the street.

Excluding any sudden financial issues, divorce, death in a family, illness, etc.


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