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2006 Z06 Corvette Takes on the Competition


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<a href="/specs/c6/2006/z06/2006z06perf.html"><img src="/images/design/front/z06comp.jpg" width="175" height="113" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="right" alt="2006 Z06 Corvette" /></a>Wondering how the new 2006 Z06 Corvette stacks up against the competition? We were wondering the same thing. So, we grabbed a bunch of car magazines, spread them out all over the floor and started crunching numbers.

What we found was quite interesting! Check out the full review:

2006 Z06 Corvette Performance Review
nice! hey Rob u need those other numbers on the C/D side? i got the Oct. 2005 and the Dec. 2005 ones. those have do have numbers that you are missing
aizanvette89 said:
nice! hey Rob u need those other numbers on the C/D side? i got the Oct. 2005 and the Dec. 2005 ones. those have do have numbers that you are missing
Actually, if you have the Oct 2005, I'll include those. The Dec. 2005 are there.

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