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315-35/17's rubbing on the rear


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
Does anyone else have this problem?
I have GY F1 GS D3's in 315-35/17 on A-mold ZR-1 offset on the rear of my '96. I recently installed the tires, replaced well worn Dunlop SP8000. The Dunlops did not rub, but the GY do. On moderate bumps in turns, or on moderate to heavy dips, they will rub on the inside fender liner at the top towards the front of the car. Drivers side also rubs on the edge of the control arm mount. Ride height appears to be normal and correct. Any suggestions? Spacers, raise ride height slightly, etc.?
The Goodyears might be a bit wider on the rims. I have noticed that different brand tires will have different actual widths even though they are technically the same size.

How many miles are on the shocks, you may need a new set.

Also Do you have any more BIGGER pictures like your avatar, I like the color scheme, but then again, I am biased
I'm running Pilot Sports on ZR1 wheels and no rubbing.
Sorry, no pictures at this time.
96corvetteLT4 said:
I have plenty more photos, but will have to resize them this evening before I can post 'em.

Or if you don't mind you could email me the big ones. I am always looking for cool vette pictures

96corvetteLT4 said:
Does anyone else have this problem?
I have GY F1 GS D3's in 315-35/17 on A-mold ZR-1 offset on the rear of my '96. I recently installed the tires, replaced well worn Dunlop SP8000. The Dunlops did not rub, but the GY do. On moderate bumps in turns, or on moderate to heavy dips, they will rub on the inside fender liner at the top towards the front of the car. Drivers side also rubs on the edge of the control arm mount. Ride height appears to be normal and correct. Any suggestions? Spacers, raise ride height slightly, etc.?
I Thought the P315/35ZR17's would only fit on the Grand Sport Coupe with the wheelwell extensions? The GS convertible did not have the extensions and took a smaller tire. My coupe takes P285/40ZR17's. Does this A-mold ZR-1 Offset allow for the use of the P315/35ZR17's?

Dick Cox
dcaatc said:
I Thought the P315/35ZR17's would only fit on the Grand Sport Coupe with the wheelwell extensions? The GS convertible did not have the extensions and took a smaller tire. My coupe takes P285/40ZR17's. Does this A-mold ZR-1 Offset allow for the use of the P315/35ZR17's?

Dick Cox

The ZR-1 A-Mold will stick out on an 88-later C4. the offset on a 17x9.5 in 56mm. The ZR-1 17x11 A-mold is 36mm and the GS 17x11 A-mold is 50mm. While the GS a-mold will typically fit under the fender, I believe there is a specific amount required ona new car (1.5-2") so this is why the Flare was added. Different 315s will also vary in width.

I have a set of 17x11 GS A-mold witing for tires before I install them. I will also be installing Flares.
I dont have a problem. I run with NITTO DR 315/35/17's and Goodyear GS-C 315/35/17's, plus my car is lowered 1" in the back and 3/4" in the front. No rubbing here and I have driving in autocross and dragraces. I agree with Jeff, you might check your shocks and see if you need new ones.
Shocks Are The Problem!! Or Your Wheels Are Not What You Think!
I Put On Eldobrock In The Rear Real Tight Bounce Use The Old Hardware For The Shocks.
96corvetteLT4 said:
Does anyone else have this problem?
I have GY F1 GS D3's in 315-35/17 on A-mold ZR-1 offset on the rear of my '96. I recently installed the tires, replaced well worn Dunlop SP8000. The Dunlops did not rub, but the GY do. On moderate bumps in turns, or on moderate to heavy dips, they will rub on the inside fender liner at the top towards the front of the car. Drivers side also rubs on the edge of the control arm mount. Ride height appears to be normal and correct. Any suggestions? Spacers, raise ride height slightly, etc.?
Sometimes, the rear supension comes from the factory skewed to one side or the other. It might not have been off center enough with your old tires to cause any rubbing but perhaps these new ones are just wide enough for this to become an issue. Someone on another forum had a similar problem, link is below:


EDIT: Oops! His solution was in a subsequent thread:


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