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54 Corvette eng/trans work

Aug 19, 2007
Oregon Ohio
2015 Z06 Callaway White, 1967 Corvette RestoRod
I am having the automatic transmission rebuilt on my 54 Corvette. While she is in the shop, I am having the engine torn down and checked. Hopefully I will need nothing and will only get all new seals. It was redone in 1987 so, it is time to check anyway.

I will post progress pictures. :w
Jus tcurious. Where do the 2 steel lines from the center of the intake manifold close to the center carb go to? I am not familiar with these engines so thought I would ask. Very Very nice car.
I believe one line is for the windshield washer vacuum and the other is for the auto transmission.
You've got a couple of 'beautful' ladies there!! Like jane Ann said "I'm jealous"....
Thanks for the positive comments. :w My wife says she likes the 1959 Corvette better than the 1954. I like them both for different reasons. When you read the history of what it took to get the first Corvettes on the road, you have to appreciate the trouble they went to.
Thanks for the positive comments. :w My wife says she likes the 1959 Corvette better than the 1954. I like them both for different reasons. When you read the history of what it took to get the first Corvettes on the road, you have to appreciate the trouble they went to.

I would'nt mind reading that. Where/what book/website....hope it's a website....easier to get to...
Way too long of history to print here about the early Corvette.

Some examples of books with pretty much the same story are:

The Complete Book of Corvette, by Richard M. Langworth
Corvette - America's Sports Car, by Jay Koblenz
Corvette - Sports Car Superstar, by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide

There are several others out there. These have great photos of all years of Corvettes that were available until their publication.

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