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54 Corvette

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kip
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Hi Guys,

I'm Kip in Vancouver B.C.
Dad's got a 54 Corvette he's restoring and we're trying to figure out if the engine block and head are correct.

The VIN is E54S001803 and the number stamped on the flange on the lower right of the block is 0471685 F54Z. The casting number on the lower right near the back is CON4 C304.

The head has the casting numbers 3835913 with GM18 below on the left side and B29 013 with 241 and 570 below on the right side.

The numbers on the block seem close but the head seems a bit early. Also, the bosses for the ignition shield mounts are there but are not drilled and threaded.

Any ideas about what these may be from if not the original Corvette? Suggestions as to whom or where I may be able to find this information would really be helpful.

Thanks for any help.

Kip K.
Sorry I can't help, Kip, but welcome to the :CAC! A '54 - that's great!


Welcome to the Corvette Action Center. You can check out some of the ID numbers that we have listed in the 1954 Model Center: http://corvetteactioncenter.com/specs/c1/1954/54id.html

The numbers you have listed do not match anything that we have in the 1954 Model Center with the exception of the VIN. Based upon the engine number you provided, it does indicate it's from 1954, but it does not indicate that it was a 235 cid engine with Powerglide transmission.

For example: 001234F54YG

001234.......Engine Serial Number
F.................Flint Plant
54...............Year Built
YG...............Engine Type (235ci with Powerglide)

Your Number: 0471685 F54Z

0471685......Engine Serial Number?
F..................Flint Plant
54................Year Built
Z..................Engine Type (?)

I'm going to move your thread into the 1953-1962 Forum for greater exposure...
The following response is from JohnZ in the NCRS forum in response to the thread I posted there:

Appears to be a replacement engine. The 1954 block was casting #3835911 (located in a recess just below, and forward of, the fuel pump mounting boss, above the crankcase oil pan mounting lip). The "Z" code indicates a passenger car engine, although the block was cast on March 30, 1954; the correct suffix stamping for a '54 Corvette was "YG". The casting date is located at the right rear side of the block, next to the starter solenoid.

The cylinder head should be casting #3836241, which was used on all '54-'55 Corvettes; the tapped hole for the temperature sender did not require an adapter. Your casting date (B 2 9) indicates that head was cast on February 2, 1959 (or 1949): the casting date is located in the valve rocker area (under the valve cover) next to the #4 and #5 cylinder exhaust valves.
The "913" is a passenger car head. Got one sitting in my basement. Mine came off of a 54 passenger car. It's dated late 53. This was a common head.

The Corvette only motor was most definitely F54 YG, not Z.

Check the engine casting number located on the passengers side of the block down by the fuel pump. It should be a "911" casting. This casting was used in pickup trucks of the era. Chuck
1954 Corvette motor.

Were you able to get a correct '54 Corvette engine? If not, I can help.
Doug. Ontario.
Hi Guys,

I'm Kip in Vancouver B.C.
Dad's got a 54 Corvette he's restoring and we're trying to figure out if the engine block and head are correct.

The VIN is E54S001803 and the number stamped on the flange on the lower right of the block is 0471685 F54Z. The casting number on the lower right near the back is CON4 C304.

The head has the casting numbers 3835913 with GM18 below on the left side and B29 013 with 241 and 570 below on the right side.

The numbers on the block seem close but the head seems a bit early. Also, the bosses for the ignition shield mounts are there but are not drilled and threaded.

Any ideas about what these may be from if not the original Corvette? Suggestions as to whom or where I may be able to find this information would really be helpful.

Thanks for any help.

Kip K.
Were you able to get a correct '54 Corvette engine? If not, I can help.
Doug. Ontario.
:w Doug,

Welcome to the Corvette Action Center Community..

I would not be too surprised if you don't hear back from kip.. I don't think he has been around our community for a few years.

The last activity to this thread, prior to your posting, was back in February of 2003 ;)

Might try his email address, it may or may not still be valid ;shrug

Good luck and welcome aboard enjoy the :Steer

Good Luck with your 1954 Corvette. :w I look forward to seeing some photos.

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