Howdy back Shine....
...and thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that. I'm like you , am way behind on everything. Building fence and a finishing my RV shed. I added onto my shop last fall (just for the Corvette, a 20X40 double insulated appendage). Then got sick...gettin better slowly it seems...they never did figure what was wrong...but this hot spell has me huntin' cover, so I'm getting very little done on the car.
I've been struggling with color choices forever it seems. Guess it's going to be black...dang it! I tried to put together everything else you could imagine...just keeps winding up black. I finally bought a wise guy (Knoch) black leather interior to start I could fit the steering column/me to the seats I'm using.
The main thing that has me jittery right now is attaching the Sermersheim's front end to the body. Never been down that road before...and its a bunch of money if I screw it up. I have a buddy that's a body man who is supposed to help me out...but that hasn't happened. Hope I don't get stuck there on my own... The alignment issues are what I'm concerned about.
Anyway..I imagine I'll finish a few other things and and then get back on it. Been gathering stuff for 4 years..built a rotisserie, enlarged the shop, bought Billy's I'm crawling along...but making progress.
Need to get some body materials next. Considering SPI per some of your post in the internet paint forums. Of course ...not knowing what color I'm going with has been a stumbing block up to now, for primer, etc.
