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60 for 60 Corvette Anniversary REV OFF...


New member
Aug 14, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
Modified Yellow 1967
On June 30th, in Las Vegas "60 for 60" will be open to all Corvettes with a car show, pic nic, and at Noon PDT we'll all start up our engines and rev them for 60 seconds (ala Shelby Memorial revoff) to celebrate 60 years of Corvette. All the local Corvette clubs will be participating here in Vegas, and it appears there will be several SoCal clubs working up an event to coincide. It would be great if we could have a gathering of the tribes to cheer the Corvette's 60th birthday in unison across the country regardless of our actual location.

If you think your club would like to do something in your town, let me know so we can promote our mutual passion together. I can be contacted at:


We've got a flyer posted at:
http://www.vegasvettes.com/Events/2013/20130630_60for60/60 for 60 FlyerLVCA.jpg

Hope to hear from you!

Here's the poster...



  • 60 for 60 FlyerLVCA.jpg
    60 for 60 FlyerLVCA.jpg
    68.5 KB · Views: 186
Just over 4 weeks till the 60 for 60 Anniversary Rev-Off. Who out there is joining an event that day?

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