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62 Clutch

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Clutch does not seem to be working. I can not get into gear. What would be the first thing to check.
1. clutch adjusting rod, be sure it hasn't fallen out. 2. clutch fork for hole worn through allowing the rod to poke out rather than pushing the fork. 3. clutch fork ball broken off.
4. bad throw out bearing and/or worn out fork.
Has it been setting for some time? My clutch disc sticks to the flywheel or pressure plate if I hadn't run it in a few months, back when it was drivable.
Have you done anything to the clutch since you ran it last?

Welcome to the CAC
Agree with Tom; clutch disc is stuck to flywheel.

1) Start and run engine to get warm. Shut engine off.
2) Put car in 1st gear and start engine. Car will drive away in 1st gear.
3) Put clutch in and accelerate. The disc will break loose from flywheel.
I have the the same thing in reverse backing out of the garage. Once it was rolling as soon as I put in the clutch pedal it would pop loose.

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