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63 Restro - UPDATE...FINALLY....the paint is on....


Well-known member
May 13, 2003
Round Hill, VA
2014 Convertible
Several have email'ed me asking about the status. Thanks so much for the interest and here is the latest.

By no means have I been sitting still with this restro just because I could not make Carlisle. Instead I have taken the opportunity to even improve the final product. On 25 August, Wednesday the week of Carlsile, I got the seat assemblies out of the 63 put them in the truck and had a pre-arranged appointment with Al Knocks crew to do the entire seats over. Got there about 7:30 AM, and they took my seats immediately.

One thing that was great at Al Knoch's area this year was the display of all the seats from every year, including the seat frames and associated hardware. I had to check the 63 seats, and to my AMAZEMENT, I have all the correct slides and hardware for the 63. Many 63's have the later slides on them and the seats are not correct, but mine had the correct 63 hardware...for once something that I don't have to search for, buy and then replace. My seats are totally STOCK.

I watched them as they tore down the seats, and then we found the seat foam was ORIGINAL, with a date stamped on the seat foam. The date was 1-14-63, the day the seats were put together. I had no idea the seat foam had time dates on them. This makes sense as I know my car was finished on 24 January 1963. I met Al who is a businessman's businessman, met Dale and Melonie, all were very nice people who I enjoyed talking too. I was told the 63 seat was one of the hardest to reupholster and it would take several hours to complete the task. Finally both seat were finished and they turned out perfect. They gave me the old seat covers, foam and burlap so I could keep them. So if anybody needs a good set of seatcovers, no wear on them at all, I will sell them to you cheap. They are correct and in good shape...both seats $30.00 plus postage. They are the black vinyl.

Anyhow, after the seat covers I managed to find a seat of mint 63 seatbelts the complete assemblies, a great set of 63 exhaust bezels, and a set of new coupe SS door trim. This completes what I needed for the 63.

In the meantime I have been have sent my wheels to Krisler to do, and have received some of the back, they are show condition now. I have two complete sets of 63 wheelcovers. The best set will be for show only, the second set will be for street use. Krisler does an excellent job.

The rest of the time we have been priming, sanding, priming, sanding, sealing, sanding, and cleaning the body.

Last week, removed the headlights, doors, rear facia, hood, and other smaller pieces, front window vents, primed, sealed, sanded and painted.

As of today at 10:30 AM the basecoat was mixed and the spraygun loaded and the painting of the body has started. So folks, as of today the car is being painted...

I will follow up with photos later this week-end. What is that bright light at the end of the tunnel......oh its getting bigger and bigger.......:D
EBVette said:
What is that bright light at the end of the tunnel......oh its getting bigger and bigger.......:D
It's the bill collector coming.... :L
Glad to hear things are moving along on a positive note.You'll soon have it finished and be able to enjoy another "Relaxing" week-end to admire the finished job. :beer Looking forward to the pics for sure. Good luck:upthumbs
Painting 63 corvette

Hello EBVette,
Just saw your post from 2004, regarding the painting of your 63 SWC in sebring silver.
I am having my 63 SWC painted. Its in primer, but we are trying to match the paint.
What paint did you use ?
I am planning to use BC-CC paint, possibly DuPont (My painter's preference...)
Like to get your experience in terms of color match etc.

Hello EBVette,
Just saw your post from 2004, regarding the painting of your 63 SWC in sebring silver.
I am having my 63 SWC painted. Its in primer, but we are trying to match the paint.
What paint did you use ?
I am planning to use BC-CC paint, possibly DuPont (My painter's preference...)
Like to get your experience in terms of color match etc.


Welcome to the CAC Rainer

Regardless of what products your painter wants to use, go for it. That way if the shÎt ever hits the fan, he won't have any excuses as to your choice of paint.

Good luck


I think you are rignt, But after what I just went thru...

Had my coupe painted by a painter, who was highly reccomended to me...
As it turned out, was the wrong paint (81 corv silver), dirt in paint, blotchy paint, and on-and-on.
Having it re-painted by another painter, have seen his work etc.
He wants to use Dupont, and I am OK with that, I just want to find a match as close as possible.
Will let you know, how it turns out.


Most professional paint suppliers, can a computer "color-match " to within 95% of the original color. There is also a program supplied from PPG that can convert color codes from the sixties.

I have a very old copy of the " NCRS Restorer " that shows all the mid-year color codes, along with the equivalent codes from the three big paint suppliers at the time.


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