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Question: 64 convertible top frame

  • Thread starter Thread starter robert64
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I tried search for "convertible top frame" and convertible top". No results. Tried "top frame" and got all kinds of unrelated material. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong and explain the "search" to me? Thank you.
Is the conv. top frame supposed to be fairly rigid or quite loose at the folding joints? If the top is folded approx. 1/2 way back, should it stay there or collapse into the storage area? Mine is quite loose. Also there is a small magnet (1"x1"x 1/4"thick) on each side of the top frame by the first joint. They are held there by their own power. Any idea what they might be for? Regards, Robert.
The top frame is relatively loose, as all of the joints have to move freely; from 1/2-down, it should drop into the fully-stowed position all by itself. Have no idea what the magnets might be - they weren't there originally.


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