HEy Barry- I just painted my 66 with PPG BC/CC Milano Maroon. I was not able to compare it yet to an original, but I am happy with it. It has a lot of metallic in it, but VERY fine. You can't tell until you are right on top of it. Unless you want to spend big $$ and get a custom computer matched type paint job, this may be a good option. I had less than $300 in a gallon a Base and a gallon of clear. I was very surprized as I had expected a huge price. I went with the "omni" line (i think that's what you call PPG "economy" line) and I think it is a later model dodge color that closely matches.
obviously- I still need to wet sand the clear some....
good luck!
obviously- I still need to wet sand the clear some....
good luck!