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65 speedometer problem

Bo Dillingham

Well-known member
Jun 23, 2001
Cortland, NY, 13045, USA
1965 crimson pearl (2002 cadillac?)
I tried searching forums, but found no answer. My 65 speedometer works for the first few seconds the car is moving, but within a quarter mile or so it drops to zero and stays there. I thought I would ask for hints before I start the long process of removing the control panel, etc.
Seems strange to just quit like that.
Simple things first

Always start with the simple things! First make sure the speedo cable is tight. Get the car up in the air (be sure to use jack stands) and we'll find the cable running to the side of the tranny. The cable uses a screw on cap that has serrations that allow you to screw into the speedo output. If that's OK you need to do the same check to the other end of the cable which goes into the speedometer. Getting to this connection is a pain and be fore warned, there are two cable connects, one to the tach, the other goes to the speedo so make sure you know which one you are messing with.

Once you have them both tight try driving it again, if the problem has gone away GOOD! :happyanim:

If you still have the problem you're going to have to get the speedo end of the cable off, pull it down and pull out the chain (cable) that is inside the cable housing. You should be able to get a cable at your local auto parts store. I like to disconnect the tranny end of the cable case at this point and clean out the housing with a spray can of brake clean. Once you do that and blow it out with some compressed air just lube (you can get this a the auto parts show too) the housing as you insert it in the housing, and tighten both ends.

If this doesn't fit the problem you either have a problem in the tranny or the speedo and that's a whole different issue. :mad
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Thank you. I have been delayed in getting to this, but I will try it and let you know how it turns out.

Always start with the simple things! First make sure the speedo cable is tight. Get the car up in the air (be sure to use jack stands) and we'll find the cable running to the side of the tranny. The cable uses a screw on cap that has serrations that allow you to screw into the speedo output. If that's OK you need to do the same check to the other end of the cable which goes into the speedometer. Getting to this connection is a pain and be fore warned, there are two cable connects, one to the tach, the other goes to the speedo so make sure you know which one you are messing with.

Once you have them both tight try driving it again, if the problem has gone away GOOD! :happyanim:

If you still have the problem you're going to have to get the speedo end of the cable off, pull it down and pull out the chain (cable) that is inside the cable housing. You should be able to get a cable at your local auto parts store. I like to disconnect the tranny end of the cable case at this point and clean out the housing with a spray can of brake clean. Once you do that and blow it out with some compressed air just lube (you can get this a the auto parts show too) the housing as you insert it in the housing, and tighten both ends.

If this doesn't fit the problem you either have a problem in the tranny or the speedo and that's a whole different issue. :mad

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