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65 vette with LS1

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vettehead 1

I have owned this car for almost 35 years. Have had engines from 327's to 454's even alum head 427. All NOM so I went to the computor age. Now it has a 99 vette LS1, 4L60E, Aftermarket frame, 96 Suspension, Coil over Shocks, Vintage Air, Rack & Pinion, And Dakota Digital Dash. Seat are 97 vette covered in 65 material.
Loved the Big Blocks, they will always have a special place in my heart, but I wouldn't go back. Have made this car a great driver, not to mention WILD.
Here are some pictures. What do you guys think?
Only one word comes to mind, SWEEEET!!! :thumb:thumb:thumb
Great job, Love it!

So how many bottles worth of ibuprofin did it take to get through all the headaches you ran into along the way while putting it together? lol
Yes, I like the LS1 on the fender. :w
Looks like the perfect combination to me. Welcome to the CAC.

Love to see/ride in/drive your 65 LS1 Beast...

Hey Vettehead - It would be great to see your Vette @ CAC's CruiseFest in Bowling Green this year! :thumb


L8TR - D

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