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66 BB Air Cleaner Decals


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2003
Long Island
1966 - 427/425 - Black Coupe
Does anyone have a picture of the 66 BB air Cleaner ( top lid ) ? I removed the old decals without taking measurements. I know the cubes and horsepower decal goes on the outer rim but where does the cross flag decal sit? Does it sit in the middle between the wing nut and outer rim or does it sit right above the outer rim right above the other decal? Steve
Being GM there is some variance but from my Noland Adams guide it appears that most are close to centered above the inner lip and wing nut dimple, being sightly closer to the inner lip - looks to be about 1/4" above that inner lip. Hope that helps but the Noland Guide has about 4 pictures of 66 BBs all slightly different in placement.
Rowingone, That is I thought, viewing various pictures I did notice the differences. I wasn't sure which one was correct, I quess whatever pleases the eye is the way to go. It is amazing that GM would have such variances with something that is so visible. Thanks, Steve

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