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67 power brake 4sp question

michael sommers

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2003
67 sbc conv
Need help with clearance questions on 67 powerbrake
lines installation with 4 speed.
I can not find a good picture or illustration of the
relationship between the powerbrake lines and
the 4 speed clutch rod or the bell crank return spring
the clearances seem rather tight. Do the brake lines
come up inboard (engine side ) of the clutch rod
and return spring? The only picture of the lines i can
find is a top view which shows the lines at about a
5-10 degree angle outboard from the proportioning
valve. This appears as though it would cause interference with the clutch assys.
Any feedback or pictures would be of a assistance.
The pipes come up outboard of the steering shaft, and inboard of the clutch rod and return spring. :)

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