Any C2 or C3 Corvette will blow cold and on R12 if the system if they are maintained, repaired and cleaned properly. The 2 main factors are as follows. 1) ensure the heat from the engine is prevented from transferring to the cockpit and 2) ensure the cold air blowing over the evaporator is not lost behind the dash. That is the entire secret: keep the hot air out and keep the cold air in. It’s true for any car. My old Vettes with AC will blow you away and they are stock.
When these systems age, the evaporator fins are often severely clogged with leaves, seeds, organic debris that has been sucked into the plenum.. The blower cannot blow anything over the core. No cold air will pass over the core.
Every dollar spent modifying a 53-82 Corvette is usually a dollar lost. I know, I know, many say they are “keeping it forever”, but realistically 99 percent get re-sold and when they do, those changes are often losses upon resale. On the other hand, that allows someone else to market the proper parts to the new owner.
Geoffrey Coenen
NCRS #2473
NCM Lifetime #105
Precision Valley Corvette Museum Charter Member #20 (I think)
Vettehead #18-1
Retired #1 56, 63, 67, 68, 68, 69, 75, 99 and I want more!