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'80 Sqeaking interior


Active member
Aug 6, 2003
I was wondering if anyone knew of anything to quiet the interior squeaks in these things? I was thinking of some kind of spray lube around the joints where trim and panels meet, I tried squirting some Armorall, which helped some for a while, but didn't last that long. Any ideas?
To elliminate most rattles and squeeks in my 80 I just turn the stereo up. I had most of noise taken care of but after driving a while they come back. The hard ride and rough roads don't help. Try tightening all interior screws and maybe a little silicone grease at the rub points?
I put a small piece of rubber between the two works great.
You can use a rubber gasket materials from any auto store. My main one was the A pillar garnish and the Instrument Panel, that one was a hard one to find.
The same sound on both side's at once.
Stay away from any silicone, it's banned in the auto plants.
The over spray mess's up paint jobs, gets all over the place, does all kinds of other things.
Don't use silicone spray. I'm talking about the tube of silicone grease. GM recommends it as a weatherstrip preservative and should be used on all rubber.
Good suggestions. I do need to replace a couple screws, and I definitely have noise from the A-pillar trim. I'll try the silicone grease and the rubber inserts.

You might think this is extreme, but I know of a number of guys who have re-tapped their screw holes all around their interior just to eliminate squeaks. This isn't something specific to Corvette's, but something I've street rodders and restorers do.

Many times old holes are bigger holes or stripped holes and "tight" just isn't in their vocabulary and squeaks are the result.

Good Luck,

Yeah, I'm upsizing some of the loose screws as well.
I stopped at the local Car Quest today and asked them for Silicone grease, and they didn't have any or really know what I was talking about. They showed me silicone spray instead, not what I want.
So I was thinking of maybe using a little silicone caulking instead, which would also prevent some movement of parts, or maybe petroleum jelly. What do you think?
Petroleum/oil base products can cause a chemical reaction with some plastics and they tend to crack apart.
If you must use something use dielectric paste used on coils, spark plug boots.
1BAD80 said:
Petroleum/oil base products can cause a chemical reaction with some plastics and they tend to crack apart.

Thanks, that's what I was wondering about. I also thought that dielectric grease might do the trick, but I'm really thinking that the silicone caulk is the way to go, it shouldn't hurt the plastic and it should dampen vibration as well.
try your local dive store. I know we use silicone grease to protect our knives from rusting.


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