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'94 Optisparks all the same??

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I have a '94 coupe that has a bad Opti and I'm looking around to order a new one before I pull it apart. I'm in NC, the car's in NY and I need to go up there and just start working on it, parts in hand. My question concerns the 2 styles of drive gear, vented/non vented etc. that appears on different LT-1's. Are all '94's the same or were there any mid year changes that occured to mirror the '95,96,97's? Thanks for your time...Ed.
1994 Optispark

Summit has a kit for the optispark I bought one for my 94 it was a lot cheaper than buying the whole unit and I havent had a problem
GM Junkie can tell ya. Send him a PM.
Opti-sparks are the same for at least 93-94. For 1995/96 there was a change to improve the venting of the cap of its moisture. NO, you can't put a 95/96 model on prior years, because GM changed the size of cam spline that goes into the Opti, and it can't fit. BUT you can use a 95/96 dist.cap on prior Optis to configure a way to improve the venting, which is the demise of the opti-spark. I have done this and knock wood, A-OK so far. There was an article in Corvette Fever on how to do this, and I believe there is an aftermarket model available that has the venting problem under control. Good luck!!
Thanks, guys. I just got a new Delco opti from Ebay, now I have to order a new water pump, too. I'll work on the car when I get up to NY where I have a garage with a lift but if it seems to run OK I just may run it down here to NC and hook up with Junkie. I've taken plenty of trucks and machinery apart but there's no substitute for experience. I'll keep you posted.

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