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'96 Collector Ed. LT-4 for sale


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2000
Bradenton, FL
'90 ZR-1 #3010
Hey everyone.....a good friend of mine is selling his '96 and asked me if I could post it on here for him, so here it is:

'96 Collector Edition Coupe
Silver/ Black leather, 6-speed, LT-4 330 horse, F-45, dual power sport seats, electronic AC, Bose CD/Cassette player, 4 brand new Goodyear GSC tires, new rear GM adjustable shocks, K&N air filter, B&B Tri-Flow exhaust, Hypertech Power Programmer. Car is in excellent condition, maintained by meticulous Corvette enthusiast. 45,000 miles, rebuilt title.....$23,500 o.b.o.

If anyone is interested in this car, you can call Mike at (813)933-2906 with any questions or email me at jtrager@tampabay.rr.com. Pictures of the car are at http://www.corvetteforum.net/c4/jt_zrwon

Bet your friend is sorry to see the car go huh?

Perhaps this is your chance to rejoin the ranks of Corvette owners?:)

twiget said:
Bet your friend is sorry to see the car go huh?

Perhaps this is your chance to rejoin the ranks of Corvette owners?:)


He is sorry to let let it go, but it's for a good cause....he's got ZR-1 fever & he'd like to buy one when the car sells:)

As for as myself owning the car?? I would love to own that car....it's very tight & drives perfectly. However...it's just not EXACTLY what I'm looking for. I've narrowed it down to: ZR-1, Grand Sport, or FRC C-5...all depends on how work goes the next few months:D

Tell your friend that $23,500 is too darn cheap! We gotta keep the mystique of the LT4 alive with inflated prices, ya know! :)
gs633 said:
Tell your friend that $23,500 is too darn cheap! We gotta keep the mystique of the LT4 alive with inflated prices, ya know! :)

The only reason he's asking 23,500 is because of the rebuilt title on the car.....

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