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A bumb question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don Strausburg
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Don Strausburg

I do not know anything about nitrous oxide. My question is......Can nitrous be hooked uo to a stock 327 300hp 64 engine or is it for fuel injection only???;shrug;shrug
You can put a nitrous system on anything, but if you put one on a stock '64 327, you can count on seeing "windows" in the pan and sides of the block where the rods went through it. Don't even THINK about it. :eyerole
You can put a nitrous system on anything, but if you put one on a stock '64 327, you can count on seeing "windows" in the pan and sides of the block where the rods went through it. Don't even THINK about it. :eyerole

I'd agree .If I wanted to use Nitrous on a mid-year i'd swap out the engine to a more compatable set up for nitrous.
No nitrous

Thanks for the input guys. I already forgot about it.:beer

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