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A/C no workie!!


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
2005 C6 LeMans Blue
I have a 94' coupe 6 spd. and I just had my A/C serviced about 10 months ago, freon, condenser, dryer, pretty much everything and It's been working fine, I tried to use it this weekend and the compressor isn't kicking on, I looked in fuse panel on the passenger side and all the fuses seem to be O.K.
Is there something else electrical that could be causing the compresser not to kick on? I realize if the freon is low it won't kick on but I was just wondering if there is another fuse somewhere that needs to be looked at?
In all likelihood, refrigerant has leaked out. When the system is low, there is a low pressure switch that interrupts the clutch circuit to protect the compressor from damage.

The best approach is to put on gauges and check the charge.

Good luck,
Wish I had your problem,
Mine has been in hybernation since October :cry

(sorry, just had to say it)

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