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a/c question


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2003
li ny
I am sure somebody out there has had this problem. No codes .On a/c, blower does not change speeds when pushed up /down, numbers change nothing eles. Also no change when temp is set ,what i mean is automatic climate controle is not mantaining temp .Will blow cold full time or hot full time .Am i making any sense?? Have not found much in factory manuel yet .
can you be more specific... your post is a bit confusing

do the buttons not work? how do you get it to go cold/hot?
I know how Bill feels. I have a 90 L98 with auto climate control. I set the unit to recirculated air at fan speed of 10. After a relatively short while the control changes to AUTO, 75 degrees and the light is flashing on the AUTO button. Then hot air starts coming out of the vents. When I try to change the setting the unit doesn't respond. I have replaced the unit with a refurbished one and guess what.... I got almost the same problem.

After reading my Helms manual I think the problem may be linked to the radio. The manual suggests to disc. battery and unplug the radio from the receiver. I haven't tried this yet.
Do you hear a crackling noise from the speakers when the unit is acting wacko? I noticed this today.
Yes the buttons work . when temp is set to 70 for example it we keep blowing until interior is hotter than 70 same thing on the cold side. blower does not seem to move a lot of air through the vents no codes and nothing blocking iinside ducts
Someone told me to check the outside ambient air temp sensor. They said that a bad sensor causes all kinds of errant program problems. Like I mentioned, I don't think it's the unit. I replaced mine and had the same problems.
elana , unless i`am mistaking if that sensor is bad it would set a code....anybody .................
And we're not getting codes....... The a/c has been normal for the past two days. The Temp here is bet 75 and 93. Wish someone out there could shed some insight.
I am still confused on exactly what the unit is doing. it is just constantly blowing no matter what? or it is confused on temperature? If you set it at 70, the car continues to cool forever? same thing with heat, it just heats forever? I am thinking the sensor is 'stuck' on a temperature (let's just say it is stuck on 75 degrees, then you set it on 70, and the car never 'thinks' it gets to 70 because it thinks it is always 75, so it just keeps on cooling)

1990's are a bad year for the A/C control problems because wiring wise the radio and A/C is integrated. The normal problems are with the buttons though... like, you try change the radio station and the A/C changes temperatures instead.
hey 193,yeah that is pretty much what is happening, thanks for trying..guess i am not explain it clearly, also no change in blower . number change but no difference in air flow or sound.If sensor (i know there are several) was bad would`nt i get a code? went through factory books again followed the tree on trouble shooting until they tell me to hook up scanner and run a/c control from it. Leaning towards a/c programmer or head unit, just hate to change parts . how do you go about describiing how hard the blower is blowing over the computer? if i knew how to type it might help communicate a little better
I know it is tough to describe problems over the computer:(

when you are in manual mode, meaning, when you change the blower speed manually, it still doesn't change? If that is the case, it could be the head unit... can you feel the power difference (or hear a change in sound) when the compressor kicks in? basically, you should be able to tell if the compressor is kicking on and off by feel or sound.... so if you set the temp on 70, once it hits 70, can you tell if the compressor is turning on and off to maintain the current temp, instead of it running constantly to make the interior cooler?

It could be the blower motor too, or the connection going to it... have you taken the head unit out just to check the connections? the stiff suspension on our cars can lead to wires simply coming loose.
oh... if the temp. sender is still half way working, enough to send a signal, then it may not throw a code... what i was trying to say in the earlier post is it may be sending a signal that is perfectly fine... but the signal just says the temperature is always the same.... maybe give it a little tap (smack it around a bit) to see if that fixes it... it is that little round half globe thing in the front center of the dash... right at the bottom of the windshield
Thanks yes the compressor is turning on and off with controls. Yes even when change the blower in manual speed stays same. Did have poor connection( when i bought car ) at the head lights didn`t work. Had radio repaired also. pain in the butt getting to THAT control unit. Will check lazy sensor. I guess what I had Hoped was some one would come along and say yes most of the time it is .......in my case the would be the most expensive component in the system thanks. Bill
if you don't know how to get to the control unit, i can write up quickie instructions for you... not very difficult, but it will take an hour of your time :(
Always looking for inside tips.....again the factory manual is just not the most clear read . I beleive it is drivers side under dash? Located dash control unit on e-bay for 100 bucks .Thanks alot will take instructions gladly.
i was referring to the head unit itself. I assume you have gotten into the car far before?

getting into the dash is a real PITA. If it were my car, and I isolated it to the blower, and it was still actually blowing like your car is, I would wait until it broke completely (unless it was just driving me up the wall)
Picked up a head unit on e-bay.Not hard to swap out.Though you could give me the heads up on the other unit ...under dash. would like to fix getting hot on this island lately
Might just be my imagination ,but after smacking the temp senor on dash i`ll be damned if it ain`t blowing colder . still have new head unit coming though .still not 100% but much better .

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