I like the way you think. For I am aswell a flatbed please man. When the few times that I needed to call I specifically asked for a bed. One time comes to mind.. bear with the ramblings of an old man......
I was on a pleasure drive when my engine temp spiked so over I go to the side of the road I went, shut the car off, and out I went to see what was happening, thats when I noticed that I was loosing coolant in rapid fashion.
After having it cool for a few mins I crawl under the front where the coolant had been draining out and sure enough the rubber mount on the lower steel arm had rotted away and caused it to rub on the brass radiator and wear a small hole in it.
So I called up the first tow company and asked for a bed... sorry we dont have one, so I called another and then another. The third call was the charm they had one but was on another call and would have to wait for a couple of hours. So I sat waited and took in the scenery
The guy shows up, absolutely professional, treating my baby like it was meant to be treated, darn near drove into the ditch to get himself as low as possible before lowering the ramp, put the metal hooks away that he uses on cars of lesser value (must have been a vette guy) and brought out the big cargo straps, even had those web'd wheel straps, hooked it up good and snug.
ok.. enough rambling, after seeing how most tow companies handle cars with normal trucks, bed it all the way