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Adhesive for Air Cleaner gasket


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2004
Somers CT
75 Coupe ZZ4, Brodix IK-180's, Headers,TK0-500
Hello All,

Can anyone recommend an adhesive that works for bonding the rubber gasket on the air cleaner housing that seals against the hood on my 75. I tried some gasket contact cement crap from Autozone that just peeled off!


I may be unclear about your question - - but the rubber gasket is attached to the ring that sits on top of the air cleaner - - the hood simply closes on top of it slightly compressing the gasket - - -it's not actually attached . . . there's no reason to do so.

If I'm not interpreting your question correctly . . my fault


No problem, I'm not explaining correctly. I'm trying to bond a new rubber gasket (seal) to the ring around the carb. The previous owner threw the ring away so I got a new one and a new rubber gasket. The adhesive I tried just let go when I closed the hood on it, it wasen't strong enough.

There's not supposed to be any glue holding the rubber seal to the metal air cleaner housing. I've never seen any '73 and up that was glued, there's no need.

Are you sure you've got the right parts?

Really??????????!!!!! No adhesive?????

Maybe I do have the wrong part. I bought the ring from a Vette shop used. It had a rubber seal already on it that was old and it was glued also. The new rubber seal I have is a GM part too, but it came from the previous owner who never installed it. Maybe it's wrong. I'll bring my camera home from work and post a picture of what I have tonight.

Bill: Mickey and RWT are correct. No requirement for glue or adhesive.The rubber seal attaches to the metal ring that sits on top of the lower air cleaner piece. I have seen some people use adhesive to attach the rubber seal to the trim ring--but it is not required. I recommend that you go to e-bay motors and look at the engine photos of 1975 corvettes that are listed for sale. The photos will show you how the air cleaner setup should look.--George

Well you guys are sure right, thanks for setting me straight. I was trying to duplicate what someone else had done in error. I looked at the photos as you suggested George...I was trying to put it on upside down! It fits much better the right way, but it's still too big. After going around the ring and attaching it there's more material than I need. It came from Corvette America p/n 33465 and it says "73-75 Air Cleaner Hood Seal-cut to length". Since the ends were bonded together I assumed they meant it was already cut to length but I guess they mean "Cut it to length". I just looked on their site and they don't list a 33465 but do list a 33464. I guess I could cut it at the bond line and re-glue it.

I forgot the darn camera to post a picture.

You just need to cut the excess off of the seal and glue the ends together. I bought a new seal off of eBay and it was too big like yours. I had thought that they must have sent me the wrong one, but then I read the "cut to size" instructions. :Buttslap It fits good now and seals great.
Hello Thumper,

Looks like I need to do the same. Did yours look like this one? Do you remember what adhesive you used?

Thanks for all that replied.

Mine looked exactly like yours. I cut it with a razor blade right where it was glued together, measured how much I needed to trim (I cut it a bit long the first time, and then trimmed it to the exact length after checking my fit again), then glued it together with 3M Automotive Weatherstrip Adhesive that I picked up at Pep Boys. I didn't have to hold the ends together very long before they were stuck together without my assistance.
OK Thumper, Thanks for your help. I'll do it tomorrow, it's supposed to rain up here so a good day to work in the garage. Have a nice weekend.


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