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Air Conditioner Problem


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK
10 Grand Sport Coupe Artic White
It seems that my AC blows really cold air out of the passenger vent but blows luke warm air out of the middle and drivers vent. I just have the base system and not the automatic climate control. Anyone ever had this problem?
Actually, JRose, no I haven't. From your description, it almost sounds like you may have some obstruction in your A/C ducting. At least, I can't think of another explanation off hand.

Have you replaced your battery recently? The reason I ask is that I had a similar problem with the drivers side vents not working correctly. There are some vacuum lines that run right next to the battery holder that go to the A/C vent control and when the battery was replaced they set it on a small vacuum line that controled the vent on the drivers side. Also check for any codes to make sure the system is working correctly.
Good luck :w
I have a problem like this but my car has the aoto control. Passenger side temp. is fine but drivers side is much warmer. Any thoughts?

I have a problem like this but my car has the aoto control. Passenger side temp. is fine but drivers side is much warmer. Any thoughts?

James, mine did it when it needed to be charged with freon, I also had a leak somewhere in the system and once that was fixed the problem went away.
Check your codes. I learnt a valuable lesson this weekend, trust the GM engineers.

I had hot air coming out the driver’s side and cold air coming out the passenger side of the HVAC ducts. Reviewing the forum I came to the conclusion that I was low on Freon. I started to add Freon and the pressure was already high enough.

I tried removing the fuse 27 and resetting the codes HVAC B0441 H which did not help. Well, I went to the book and HVAC B0441 H was for the left hand electric motor actuator. The actuator is $213 so my question was trust GM’s BIT (Built in test) or have the dealer troubleshoot and fix.

The lesson I learnt is GM knows what they are doing and replacing the actuator myself, fixed the problem. It was not a easy job removing the dash pad and getting to the actuator, but a satisfying job that I fixed the problem and saved 4 to 5 hours of labor costs.
I had the same problem this past Spring but the sides were reversed... driver side was blowing cold while passenger side was blowing hot.

My mechanic replaced the actuator and that took care of it.

:wJane Ann
That sounds like a logical approach. You will think me stupid (you may be right) but I am not sure how to check the codes on the car. Any help?

Hold the options button down while pressing the fuel button four times. The car will go through all of the computers and list what the codes are if any. HVAC comes after the Radio. BTW not stupid for asking!
That sounds like a logical approach. You will think me stupid (you may be right) but I am not sure how to check the codes on the car. Any help?


Hold the options button down while pressing the fuel button four times. The car will go through all of the computers and list what the codes are if any. HVAC comes after the Radio. BTW not stupid for asking!

Check this thread for very good instructions on pulling codes on your C5 and a link to a webpage identifying the codes.


:wJane Ann

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