Index = (.300 * 4) + (.400 * 2) + (.500 / 7)
Flow Index = (flow @ * 4) + (flow@ * 2) +( flow@ / 7)
Potential HP based on Airflow (Hot Rod, Jun '99, p74):
Airflow at 28" of water x 0.257 x number of cylinders = potential HP
or required airflow based on HP:
HP / 0.257 / cylinders = required airflow (see below)
"Flow Index" refers to a formula Jody helped devise to compare driveability between the different cylinder heads. The formula is:
(cfm at .300 lift x 4) + (cfm at .400 lift x 2) + cfm at .500 lift
p88) Determining peak HP rpm based on peak head flow numbers. These numbers are based on flow measured at a 28" depression.
The formula is: (flow in cfm / 1.68 * 2000) / (Displacement ci / number of cylinders) = rpm.
(flow in cfm / 1.68 * 2000) / (350 ci / 8 cylinders) = rpm
(flow in cfm / 1.68 * 2000) / (43.75) = rpm
I apologize for the lack of focus of my question. You post alot of good date there, that I will surely sort through. However to answer your question first.
I am looking at scans of my car and in particular looking at air flow numbers which I believe to be recorded from the MAF sensor. It is recording values in grams/sec.
Now what I see in some tuning tables is 255 grams/sec which I believe to be the maximum amount of steps the maf could possibly read. This occurs on some graphs at 6k rpm's. I however am recording now where near that.
At 5500 RPM's I am seeing numbers around 206 grams/sec. I have since descreened my maf, so I dont know if things have changed, or however if the maf is somehow acting up.
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