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Air Injection Tube clamp

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vettefreak100
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There is a clamp that goes couples the air injection tube to the resonator on the exhaust system. I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a special tool to clamp this or if anyone has any special ways they figured out how to clamp it? I took it apart already when I removed the exhaust system.
Are you referring to the O-ring? If so that thing is the biggest POS I have ever seen. When I got my headers I couldn't figure out how to clamp it so I just used a hose clamp. I am sure they make a special tool but I don't know what it is.
You mean where the tube goes into the catalytic converter? Mine just had a hose clamp (and a piece of green garden hose, if you can believe it). If it's like the clamp on the EGR tube, most people just discard it and use hose clamps...
A big pair of side cuts, or diagonal cuts will squeeze that clamp.

There is no resonator on the exhaust. It is the cat. I guess any high temp hosing would work.

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