Original vs. Modified
My .02
I don't think 78-82's are going to appreciate significantly in my lifetime.
So, I modified my engine bay to suit my needs and taste. If you want HP increase, you need to do more than an Air Pump. There are lots of little things that can be done here and there that is the end will add up.
"All Original" cars are always going to have an appeal to certain people, NCRS is NCRS, but a well kept modified car will always find a home on the Show & Shine Curcit.
I'm not talking Radical stuff. Nitrous or Blowers, that
really limits resale to people who want that.
I bought an all original one owner 82 CE (9k miles) back in 89 for $22,000.00. today 19 years later you can buy the same quality of car for the same price. You can also buy a dump for $10,000 or an ABOVE Average one for high teens. Basicly not much has changed in two decades.
But how many used cars can you say that abount?:L
What ever you do, enjoy the car nad don't second guess yourself. The universe has a plan for you & the Vette!