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Aluminum pedals ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ted Krempa
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Ted Krempa

Does anyone have experience with using aluminum pedals from Ultimate Pedals? They seem very well made and have money back guarantee.....I'm sick of my rubber pedal ! (squeaky, ugly)


They have the plain metal or you can have little rubber 'dots' in the holes
I'm a barefoot driver and I love the aluminum pedals.
Zlichs, are yours from Ultimate ?? They look nice
tedkrempa said:
Does anyone have experience with using aluminum pedals from Ultimate Pedals? They seem very well made and have money back guarantee.....I'm sick of my rubber pedal ! (squeaky, ugly)


They have the plain metal or you can have little rubber 'dots' in the holes

I have Ultimate bookmarked. Yeah, they look nice, but the thing is--it's my understanding that these pedals fit over your stock ones with screws. I like the look of the metal pedals, but I'm looking for a metal replacement pedal not a coverup (and for a coverup, they seem a little pricey). However, for now, the Ultimate version might be my only option.
I've seen the metal replacements on a friend's Vette--the accelerator pedal looked as if it came off a C5. But with the all the weather problems, I haven't really had the time to get in touch with him for a while.
I mounted Sparco racing pedals, mainly to get the gas pedal closer to the brake for better heel/toe action. I took the rubber pads off, and drilled and tapped the brake and clutch pedals to mount the covers. The gas pedal is plastic, so I drilled a couple holes and used two small bolts/washers/nuts to mount the gas pedal cover.

I've got the Autovation ones.


Real nice, though my carpet was apparently off-center so the dead pedal doesn't line up right (it's optional anyway). They attach to the existing parts for the gas, but you remove the pads for the brake/clutch and drill into the metal.

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