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An old theme but a new thread...

Another view of the new entry:

Red car passenger side front fender 11-20-14.jpg

Looks like a DeTomaso Pantera emblem on the wheel cap.
Looks like a DeTomaso Pantera emblem on the wheel cap.

That is correct! Good eyes!

I am looking for the name of this particular Pantera. You get extra points if you figure out the year!

Close enough!

This particular model, though, is the "Wide Bodied" GT5S.

"Ford ended their importation to the US in 1975, having sold around 5,500 cars. De Tomaso continued to build the car in ever-escalating forms of performance and luxury for almost two decades for sale in the rest of the world. These included the GT5, which had bonded and riveted wheel arch extensions and the GT5S model which had blended arches and a distinctive wide-body look. The car continued to use a Ford V8 engine, but the 351 was eventually changed to the Ford 302 cu in (5.0 l). The last Panteras built, the Si, produced around 500 bhp. A small number of Panteras was imported to the US by gray market importers in the 1980s, notably Panteramerica and AmeriSport. In all, about 7,200 Panteras were built."

Red car 11-14-14.jpg

My favorite Pantera, for sure!

Your turn!

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A Pantera "Wide Bodied" version with the riveted body panels:

Pantera-GT5-with Riveted Body Panels 11-23-14.jpg

I thought it would last longer.

Way to go BigJim!

All righty then... let's slip a quick one in before the turkey starts baking!!!

Ok, two and a half months later and we're still on this car. I don't think it's an SSC Ultimate Aero or an HTT Plethore or a Locus or a Koenigsegg or a Falcon F7. Can we get a hint please?
Ok, two and a half months later and we're still on this car. I don't think it's an SSC Ultimate Aero or an HTT Plethore or a Locus or a Koenigsegg or a Falcon F7. Can we get a hint please?

OK, For those who actually have been following this thread... the complete picture! What is it??


Does that help? Final answer tomorrow! :chuckle

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