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Mar 5, 2003
1966 white convertible
I have a 1966 327/300 roadster with a 4 year old dewitt original style aluminum radiator. I was about to change the antifreeze this weekened which I hadn't done in about 4 years. I know I need the "green stuff" not dex cool orange. Dumb question--all I can find is prestone green antifreeze that says it's good to mix with "ALL types of antifreeze". I don't see the old stand-by regular green stuff anywhere (Wal mart, Autozone, etc.). Something that's good "for anything" scares me. Is this "new green stuff" OK to use or must I still search elsewhere? Thanks!!!
I have a 1966 327/300 roadster with a 4 year old dewitt original style aluminum radiator. I was about to change the antifreeze this weekened which I hadn't done in about 4 years. I know I need the "green stuff" not dex cool orange. Dumb question--all I can find is prestone green antifreeze that says it's good to mix with "ALL types of antifreeze". I don't see the old stand-by regular green stuff anywhere (Wal mart, Autozone, etc.). Something that's good "for anything" scares me. Is this "new green stuff" OK to use or must I still search elsewhere? Thanks!!!
It's around,I get the Reg Green at Parts Plus!!But our Local Advance A/P and Auto Zone has it too!!
Either the traditional "green stuff" or the Zerex G0-5 formulation will work fine; use distilled water, not tap water.

Thanks for the insight and advice. I'll find the good stuff somewhere and go for it. Happy driving!!

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