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Anyone drive their C4 every day?

Mine hibernates through the long winter of Turkey :) :) :) Longing for the spring to come so that I can drive him around a bit.


I don't have a choice. It is my only car and it drives well in all weather, even the snow. It just kills me to have to drive it when there is salt all over the place. The weather here gives you the occasional window where the temp gets above freezing for a stretch and I can use the hose at home to wash the car. But even if it doesn't get above freezing, I hit the quarter car wash late at night and hand wash and wax it (they have warm water). It amazes people when they see it in the dead of winter and it is clean. When it is clean it sits under a car cover every night. It also sits in a parking garage at work during the day. 65,000 miles.

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Yesterday I saw a women who drives a 89 on a daily basis, and the coupe was covered with road salt, and if that wasn't discusting enough, she was smoking on it. I'm curious as to how many drives smoke in their vettes?
I smoke in mine ,but it's a vert and i never put the top up.I know a lot of people treat their vettes special but i don't,it's just another car as far as i'm concerned,i'd drive it in the winter if it wasn't for the fact that it handles crappie in snow
First of all, smoking is a nasty habit. Unlike drinking alcohol, when done in moderation, it can actually be good for you. :) Smoking however, no matter how little, is damaging to your body. I simply do NOT understand why anyone would slowly destroy their bodies?

My wife is in the medical field and sees the results of smoking damage on many senior folks. If you guys could hear and see what she's seen......bottom line: don't smoke! It's not worth it!

Anyway, smoking in your car does the same thing as it does to your body: it destroys whatever value is in that car. The smoke stays in the car forever. And anyone who doesn't smoke will immediately reel at the scent of your car's interior. I used to sell cars and we couldn't sell used cars that had been smoked in even if we gave them away! The smoke also gets into your clothes, your hair, your breath, etc. And anyone you come near into contact with who is not a smoker will reel from your odor! :D

Ever kissed a girl who smoke? Blech! Ever ask a smoker what they spit out every morning? Puke!

Sorry for the preaching. I couldn't help it.
I drive mine to work everyday. Most Vette owners where I live can afford another car to use as a beater but I can't.
In any case, my Vette is approaching 150,000miles and remains reliable and surprisingly economical (on fuel). Although I do pay big money for repairs and maintenance.

I don’t have to worry about snow and salt where I live and furthermore my run to work is along a nice stretch of freeway into Perth. Ideal Vette conditions hear almost everyday.

Only thing I need is a new paint job.
I have a '96 CE LT4 with around 90K miles and drive it nearly every day. The biggest challenge around here is that San Diego is nearly bankrupt and the streets and roads look it - full of bumps and pot holes. So, the car is holding up fine, but I'm a littel worried that the suspension is going to go south with all this pounding.
I getting the idea I'm in the minority...Scarlett's a garage queen during the winter, unless we have a little clear weather in Feb and she likes to get out and stretch her legs. I guess that's why she only has 45k on the odo. Her previous owners put even less miles anually than me!

Bought it 4 years ago and have added 38,000 miles. Yep, every day unless there's ice.
I drive mine every day between March 1st and Christmas. I cover it during the winter but if the weather is dry I drive. I keep it off the roads when they have snow and ice because of the crazy drivers in Chicago. I do not want anyone hitting my baby!

Almost 85,000 miles and runs like a champ!

Save The Wave! :w
My girl is garaged . We have terrible winters here , most of the time it is salt , dirt , black ice and bad , unskillful drivers . You may drive careful but
You just don't wanna hurt you vette by going out there and get some moron slide inta ya .
And we need to have Mud & Snow tires at least!!! during winter(local law) I am not talking tires especially for snow. They just don't do them in ZR1 size ... At least I naven't seen yet .
Oh , there was one guy here , I heard , who got his vette just before winter and was so eager to drive it , that he bought 500 ! you know, those special nails or spikes , don' remember now , what was tha name of those .. Anyway he installed them in back tires which were modest 9 inchers , had a helluva work with that , lotta sweat poured. And at the first traffic light launch off
(good thing there was noone inna back :)) all those spikes get really launched off :D but inna different direction though ...:D
So we wait until all the **** an salt is washed away in a spring , then we drive . I just don't want her to get all that on her . And it is a REALLY big DAY when I get her outta Garage !!!:)
Not every day be mabe 3 of the week.I've avg about 12k a year.I dunno nice weather its jus tough to pass up a top off ride in the vette!
Gotta Pay Attention to Her!

Not every day but at least once a week if the weather cooperates. I only live three miles from work and take the bus quite often. I don't put her up for the winter. As long as there is no snow on the roads I drive her on the weekends. If I can't take her out I at least go out to the garage and whisper sweet nothings in her taillights and slap her on the ars!;) :Buttslap ;worship

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