Well-known member
Beautiful day in the N.E., so this morning my wife wanted (or needed?) to go out shopping so I decided to take the new Z06 out. I parked the car about 40 feet from the store entrance and decided to people watch outside by the entrance and keep my eye on the car. A lot of people were attracted to the car and offered amongst themselves nice comments.......very nice to hear and I did not disclose myself as the owner. Then one 45+ year old gets out of his car, looks it over and proceeds to approach me. He engaged me in negative comments of the car, not knowing it was mine and I listened. After a few minutes of his diatribe I I.D. myself as the owner in order to quiet him down. I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I had to shut him up when he bombarded me with speed questions such as have you ever opened it up all the way, any tickets, the yellow color makes it stand out more, have you drag raced it? and the kicker was "ALL YOU PEOPLE ARE SPEED FREAKS". Luckily my wife came out and offered me an escape route.
Anyone else ever run across a similar situation?
Anyone else ever run across a similar situation?