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autometer guages in a 78


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2003
78 s/a paint with oyster leather l82 auto
Has anyone replaced factory gauges such as oil, temp and battery with autometer or other aftermarket guage.

I am looking for a gauge that would be more accurate than stock, but fit in the factor gauge location. Are factory gauges two inches in diameter?

thanks for the replies
I replaced my oil pressure/water temp/ammeter->voltmeter with a cheap setup of Sunpro I picked up at Pep boys for $30 for the set. The oil and h2o are mechanical and I love the 270* of those gauges. Eventually, though, I'll upgrade to a set of VDO Vison elect gauges.

I believe they were either 2" or 2 1/116". They are installed in the stock location, but I had to grind a little (very little) on the console to get them in.

I used to have some pics, but my then ISP went under and they took my pics with them. I do still have them on my computer at home somewhere and if I get some time, I'll look for them.

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