Barry congradualtion on your trophy.Well deserved.
Just becarefull its adicting. My forum handle was supposed to be
IH82LOSE meaning I hate to lose.But as normal I mispelled it and never wanted to change it once I memorized my sign in name and pass word.
Any ways I have said it several times I dont enjoy car shows I more enjoy car cruises. I dont want a trophy,I dont need a trophy.I enjoy building the cars more then driving or showing them.BUT when I am at a show and I dont win ,It ruins my day because I hate to lose at anything.
Especially when the car that beats you is a **** wagon,dripping oil like the Exxon valdeze. over heating on a 50 degree morning,has so many runs in the paint you would think they were trying to make a couple new body lines on a midyear.the car stinks as if it spent the last 5 years in my grandparents wine celler,Has more tye straps and electrical tape holding every thing together then a radio shack on inventory day.
Did I ever tell you how much I hate to lose.
Once again congrats