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Baby's progress 2/14/05

Apr 2, 2004
Newark, Delaware
1965 Coupe L76 / 1978 L82
Hi all

just got back from vacation Sat night so went to see Baby this morning.

Slightly less forward than I had expected but still progress is going forward. The slight hold-up was needed to work on a few problem areas that only showed up once the sealer had been sprayed just before we left on vacation 10 days ago.
Once the sealer had been sprayed Joe found 2 minor cracks inside the wheelwell areas that he went back and repaired. After doing that he finally was able to get primer onto Baby! :_rock

He sprayed 2 coats of primer, let that set up, than sprayed 2 more coats. Four coats of primer should be a real nice base for the paint to lay on.
after spraying the primer he checked over the entire car again looking for any flaws that may have shown up. Luckily everything looked really good and the car's lines show that the fiberglass work he did came out real nice.

After spraying the primer, he removed the doors again to work on the doorjambs and the insides of the doors. Before removing the doors he marked the positions of the hinges and bolts so when it's time to reintall the doors for the final time it will be easier to re-establish the proper alighnment of the doors and gaps (after spending so much time working to get the gaps corrected we want to keep that alighnment correct!)

Currently today he was working on the doors. After removing the door weatherstripping gaskets he had the unexpected "pleasure" of finding that they had been held on with approx 5 times the amount of adhesive than was needed. This was new weatherstripping done when the car was restored a year or two ago and someone got a bit carried away with the adhesive so it's taking some time to get it all removed. After that he will sand down the door insides and jambs than paint it with the base and clear plus spray the black trim paint for the inside upper area of the doors.
The same will be done for the door jamb areas on the body. He didn't strip the paint off the door jambs like the rest of the car because the paint was in very good condition already - no cracks or flaking, so he only needs to sand it down a bit, prime those areas, than he will spray the paint.
Once that is done the doors get reinstalled for the final time.

Nest step after the doors is to block sand the 4 coats of primer on entire car. Than he will cut in the rear window mounting channel and windshield mounting channel with the base color and reinstall both pieces of glass and mask them off. I'm not quite sure why he wants to reinstall the glass before painting as opposed to afterwards but maybe it's so he doesn't risk scratching anything after the new paint is sprayed by trying to reinstall the glass than. In either case he is the expert so I just let him do it however he wants.

The underneath of the hood has been sanded down and some glue applied where a few areas were loosening up between the hood frame and the skin.
The underneath of the hood will get a new coat of black paint than also get masked off. BTW, in the pics you may see the hood isn't sitting perfectly correct on the car and is dipping down a bit in the front making the alighnment of the lines incorrect - that is only because the hood is just sitting on the car but is not bolted down or attached to the hinges.

After all this it will finally be time to spray the entire car with base color!!!

He figures to be able to shoot the base color in about 2 weeks - maybe even 10 days. :upthumbs

As always, here are some more pics.

Barry I live about 35-40mins away just west of middletown de. Give me a yell when you are ready to cruise somewhere. We have a black 65 roadster.
So far so good

the project looks like it is comming along sweetly....don't forget to keep us posted on the progress...

Hi qwik

Wherte in Md are you?
I'm in Newark so very close to Middletown and only about 45 minutes to Galena or an hour or so to Chestertown.

Are you a member of any of the clubs in the area? Our Vette club (Corvette Club of Northern Delaware) has pretty close ties to First State Corvette Club also in De and ShoreVettes in Md.

Once Baby is out of the shop you can be sure that I'll be driving her a LOT. I bought her to be a driver and I try to get as much enjoyment as I can from her in that way when the weather is nice. If you have brought yours up to any of the local shows last year I may even have seen your car or vice versa.
I'll let you know when I'm ready to cruise or from my threads you will see when she is done and you can email me also or PM me.

BTW, I see you only have 17 posts but joined CAC almost 2 years ago. Post some more, we always like input from other members, especially C1/C2 members!

Hi Mike

thanks. I think she is coming along great

Don't worry, I'm keeping everyone informed of progress each step of the way. I typically go to check on her about once a week and post a summary of the progress and pics just like today's thread.


De Javu all over again...exact steps we took a few months ago. Wait until you see the paint...this is the best stage. Coming along great:beer

I know........I've been waiting to see the color on the car for months now!
I can't wait!!!

If she looks anywhere as great as yours does I'll be THRILLED!!


Welcome back and hope you had a good vacation . The Corvette looks great !! I really like the way he did your door gaps, how did he go about the thickness of the door and how does it look? Do you have any pictures?

MORE PICTURES I look forward to them.
hope to see some nice shiny MM going on soon!

- from an anonymous MM admirer
kev said:

Welcome back and hope you had a good vacation . The Corvette looks great !! I really like the way he did your door gaps, how did he go about the thickness of the door and how does it look? Do you have any pictures?

MORE PICTURES I look forward to them.


Yes, I do have plenty of pics of when he was working on the gaps of the doors.
here is a few of them

unfortunatly, I had to remove most of the others to make room to post other newer pics as I go along but if you want to see more details PM me and if you have a fast broadband connection I could email them to you.
If you do a search for my other threads I have details listed on how he did the door gaps but a "Readers Digest Condensed" version is this: My doors had somewhat uneven door gaps - way to close in some areas and than spreading out to be too wide in others. In the areas that were too close he shaved the 'glass to get the proper amount of gap that was required and than in areas that were too wide he built it up a bit at a time with new fiberglass to get it to the proper sized gap. In a couple of arears on the doors the gaps were wide enough that he actually layed new fiberglass completely over the gap effectively sealing the gap and fiberglassing the door shut than he cut it out and shaved the fiberglass until the gap was perfect. Now both doors have a perfect gap 100% around the doors - actually better and more consistent than when the car left the factory. Getting proper gasps around the doors is never an easy job, and the coupes are much more difficult than the 'vert's.

ctjackster said:
hope to see some nice shiny MM going on soon!

- from an anonymous MM admirer


I hope to see some nice shiney MM going on also!
six months ago when the car first went into the shop I knew it was going to take a while so I was prepared for the wait, but now that we are getting to the end I'm getting very excited to finally be able to see Baby in a new coat of MM.
I feel like a little kid with xmas almost here, thinking to myself I CAN'T WAIT, I CAN'T WAIT, I CAN'T WAIT!!

Hi Barry,

Glad to see that it is getting close to paint time. This is always an exciting point.

You will be ready to cruise come spring!

Keep all the pics and updates coming, we love it:)

Take care,

We live in Earleville, Md. just north of Galena. Give me a call when your ready, we drive when ever its sunny, or we are not drag racing. 410-275-8197 Tripp.

Looks great. It's exciting to see when progress is being made. Spring is just around the corner!

It may be a little disappointing to you that the car isn't painted yet but it is good that this guy is so meticulous and through. No sense in rushing the paint and then being disappointed. Let us know when the big day gets here.

the Spring weather and Baby's completion can't come fast enough. I can't wait to get out cruising again looking all shiney and spiffy


drag racing in a '65 'vert? Do you have a blower on your car?
The reason I ask is that the only '65 Black 'vert I've seen around had a mean-looking roots type blower on her. Saw her at The Sundance Salon show last Spring (the same show that the paint on my hood blistered that started this entire paint job).


thanks. :)

yep, progress sure is exciting. I thought it was exciting just to watch the projects being done in this forum but than my own little one started and it's even more exciting when the project is your own car
A simple paint job is nothing like complete restorations or fabrications others are doing in here but it's still exciting for me.
IH2LOSE said:
Welcome home, I was thinking about you on that boat,just thinking that you would have to wait untill monday to touch base with the shop to check on progress,

Not much longer now

Hey Larry

thanks for the thoughts.

Funny thing is, at one or two of our cruise port-of-calls I would have loved to just stay and lived there forever but two things made me come back home - I missed my dog and I missed Baby
Seriously, almost everyday i would think that I couldn't wait to get back and see how Baby was coming along.


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