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Back in Black

kiwi vet

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2005
New Zealand
1981 Black/Camel T Top "RAC3R"
Hey All, been offline here for a while now (20 years) while life got in the way.

Anyway, I have collected another 1981 C3 chassis thats actually straight (hens teeth here in Kiwiland, and if they come up there are bent) from an engine fire car with the intention of modifying the extg frame as far a I can and then re framing my old girl. I have read through the Chevy Power Book and VIP, but is there anything further that has been developed in the past years that is also possible to do that I have missed below?

I list whats on my list at present.
1 Reinforce front horns for sway bar attachments as going to a higher rated bar. larger bolts and encapsulated nuts.
2 Reinforce lower control arm plate to chassis u/s and add reinforcing plates each side (power book) and installing Del-a-lum bushings throughout and 1/4" offset upper bars for more caster.
3 Reinforce engine mounts each side to chassis and plate to u/s of mounts as well.
4 Borgenson steering box, if I can fudge it past the inspectors. NB: They wont allow welded steel to cast in NZ.
5 Adding Bowtie Overdrives 700R4 cross member.
6 Welding all stitch welded areas to create more rigidity in frame.
7 Adding reinforcing to lower triangle brackets to up stands on frame and adding infill web plates to fill inverted Y shaped frame, allowing for brake line pass through.
8 Raising batwing diff approx 1" with offset bushes and raised bolt hole, raised center bush. Has anyone got an article some where on this? Lots on old c3 steel stuff but not much on later aluminum stuff?
9 Thinking about also moving rear batwing rearward to allow for wheels to be centered in the rear ACI 4" flares? Still don't know how much but from memory Twin Turbo many years ago said 2 1/2"?
10 Thinking about building new lower fuel tank mounted between frame to lower cg and act as part of a flat under body aero tray, like a diffuser.
11 Adding a stiffener rod or welding in a plate between the front shock towers.

Any further ideas would be appreciated as if I'm gong to do this, this is the best time on a separate frame before the transfer.
Cheers in advance Grant
Welcome back.
I remember the article in the Chevy Power Manual. I believe it was also in an issue of Corvette news in the middle 70s. The reinforcement mods were intended for track use cars but would add a lot to a performance street use Corvette too. A lot of technology has come along since then but the reinforcements, gussets and welding they were doing then would be a great place to start on a stock frame even today. One thing you could try is
to remove a rear wheel, support the chassis at ride height, and then move the wheel back and forth in the opening until it looks perfect. Take measurements and then see what would need to be done to place the batwing there.

Thanks for that info Tom
Yes the stock C3 chassis is pretty flexible and our roads here are not smooth, so even for a street car it would be a good idea.
I do autocross and club race, and its hard to be consistent when the suspension is consistently moving through chassis flex, the front towers especially.
Thanks again, still open for more ideas! G

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