Well-known member
This is the second time.
On our 2000 model, the battery has twice now been fine one minute, and stone dead the next.
The last time it did this, I took it out and had it tested. It was fine. I put it back in, charged up, and it has gone for about a year now.
Yesterday, it happened again. We had just used the car the night before and all was fine. The next day, it was clicking and making strange noises inside (not the starter) when she tried to start it, then it just went down.
I disconnected the battery and charged it back up. It appears to be fine now.
How strange?
On our 2000 model, the battery has twice now been fine one minute, and stone dead the next.
The last time it did this, I took it out and had it tested. It was fine. I put it back in, charged up, and it has gone for about a year now.
Yesterday, it happened again. We had just used the car the night before and all was fine. The next day, it was clicking and making strange noises inside (not the starter) when she tried to start it, then it just went down.
I disconnected the battery and charged it back up. It appears to be fine now.
How strange?