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Belts and Hoses


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2002
1996 CE LT4
I know from previous experience (very unintellectual experience) that there are a system of belts in the car and pulleys (pulleys?) that the belts surround. Anyways, I just read that it's good to see if the belts (which have a finite life) are dried or thin and worn out as an after-the-purchase check. So, I just wanted to know what the functionality of this system of belts is used for in a car.

And, Newton also said to check hoses for thickness and deterioration (sp?). My question is, what is running through the hoses in a car? Fuel and/or exaust maybe?

Thanks! :D

It sounds like you're starting from a fairly small knowledge base...which isn't surprising nowadays. Cars are much more reliable when they were 25 years ago! Back then (when I was 16) we literally HAD to know a lot about cars because they broke down much more often.

I'd recommend you take a basic auto mechanics course. They're usually taught as evening "extension" classes at local high schools.

FYI: The hoses carry engine coolant, which is a mix of approximately 50/50 water and antifreeze. Do a visual inspection and a "squeeze test" to see if the hoses have any surface cracks in the rubber.

The second car I owned was a worn-out VW Rabbit transplanted from Texas to Canada. During its first winter, all the hoses blew out ... one by one! That was a long, lousy winter for me...
As Page62 states, if you dont have a working knowledge of engines, a good course or just a book or two will help. Hoses carry a number of things within an engine compartment.

Cooling System - this is the 50/50 water mix to keep the motor cool during operation. These are the hoses that run from the radiator (up front) to the block or intake. Some of these hoses also run back to the firewall from the intake and water pump (behind the fan or radiator on newer electric fan cars), to the heater core. This is how you get heat into the interior of the car.

Fuel System - You have a number of smaller (normally 3/8 of an inch) lines that run from the gas tank, to a fuel pump and up to the carberator or injection systems.

Vacuum System - the really small hoses are vacuum hoses. These provide vacuum to things in Vette's like headlights, windshield pop up doors, distributer for vacuum advance. There are a few larger vacuum lines that run to the transmission for needed vacuum there and to the brake system.

A/C System - some hoses run from the firewall to a compressor and then up to a dryer and hold freeon to allow for air conditioning.

So, as you can see, there are different hose systems for different uses. I hope this helps you to some extent.
Thanks for the information! And, I am starting from a little knowledge base, but now I have a book to aid my learning and set me on a path. Unfortunately, my high school doesn't offer something like that, but I'm going to sign up for an automotive class for this coming summer so I can learn as needed to be able to familiarize and wield knowledge of cars, as well as Vettes.

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