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better front spoiler

  • Thread starter Thread starter tigmaned
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i keep curbing my front spoiler so its time to start looking for another one. but i want some thing better looking then the OEM style 3-peice one. but i don't want one that will need ground efffects either. is there such a animal out there i have missed?
I wish there was a plastic replacement middle piece that scooped a little air like the beloved Big Mouth.

To the drawing board?
Papa said:
I have seen a setup that replaces the front license cover with an "Forced air induction" system ...http://www.21stcenturymusclecars.com/engdao.asp

Forced air adds power but does nothing to help cooling. The lower air dam system has to be inplace to providing air to the radiator and AC coils.
tigmaned said:
i keep curbing my front spoiler so its time to start looking for another one. but i want some thing better looking then the OEM style 3-peice one. but i don't want one that will need ground efffects either. is there such a animal out there i have missed?

If I always bottomed out my spoiler I would not want a one piece spoiler, the factory 3 piece give one the option to just replace the jacked up piece.

I know that many people love the big mouth, so as posted earlier its a good option!

The Big Mouth does a great job of providing the air needed to the radiator. It does not hang as low at the stock air dam but it does hang some. The Big Mouth is metal and would not respond well to running into a curb however. I had the Big Mouth and the stock air dam pieces on my recently sold 92. I think the Big Mouth would provide all the air needed for the radiator without the stock air dam pieces. Over the months that I drove it (daily driver) with the Big Mouth, I never scraped it on any curbs, driveways, dips in the road, etc., that I normally scrape the regular air dam. I also paid close attention to parking lot curbs, etc. and made sure I kept the nose away from them when parking.

One more note: if this is a big issue for you, then never upgrade to a C5 or C6 as their air dams are lower and scrape a lot more often than the C4 air dam ever did! I just treat them a regular replacement items and press on, replacing them when they look a little too worn.
well i am getting use to it now, just took a little time and waking up going out to my vette and seeing i parked o close and the spoiler was bentback and sat that way all night long.:mad but no one to blame but myself, so now i look all the time and have gotten a little more use to were the front end is.
this one is one peice?

this one below the big-mouth is nice, any body know were to get on like this?
yeah i think $120 is alot, but i also think i can make one just as easy. but i was wondering about the spoiler around the big mouth. is that only a zr-1 spoiler? i see that one is one peice and wholes for the brake cooling i think?
I think the one with the brake cooling ducts is one piece. It costs $129. Ecklers and MAM. The stock 3 piece is fine. I got it at TLD for cheaper than anywhere else. Also we connected the pieces with little interior body panel push tabs. Looks great.
yeah i found it.

1984-90 M1 Prowler Front Spoiler
Part# 28774
$179.99 EA.
Qty: In Stock
Isn't that a rigid piece? May have practical issues if so.
tigmaned said:
this one below the big-mouth is nice, any body know were to get on like this?

I gotta say that the "Big Mouth" combined w/ that air-dam looks great. I see another mod to add to the want list...:)
No Kidding JEFNLSA! This place costs you about what it saves you!
tlong said:
No Kidding JEFNLSA! This place costs you about what it saves you!

I hear ya'...BUT it sure makes you appreciate you car and all that goes along w/ owning a car like this. I went from vette no-nothing to afficianado over this last year of ownership thanks to this site, and my car is much the better because of it. I just don't understand how these vette owners "out there" get by w/o some kind of web or club affiliation. Man, the things I've learned & continue to learn because of this site are invaluable. It should be mandatory to be a member here if you own a vette. They don't know what they're missing!

Cya :beer

BTW...Your car must be d@#! nice cuz it seems like any mod or upgrade ( or let me say, "tweakment" for the betterment of the car) that is posted you've either done it or are considering doin' it. Sure wish you lived closer to me cuz I'd love to hook up & exchange info w/ someone who is as particular about there car as I am about mine...
Thanks! That was just a nice thing to say. I really focused on it for a year and with the CAC's help returned it to better than new. It's only worth 15k but it's the best automobile I've ever owned.

This forum accelerates the learning curve for sure. And all the DIY tricks add up to a fine machine no doubt!

The front spoiler is a throw away item that takes the abuse quite well. If it were fiberglass or rigid plastic I think it's going to get ruined fast. The cooling inlets for the brakes look great but don't do all that much I've heard. Love to see a plastic stock dam with an integrated scoop on the front.

An area of attention is along the side bottom rocker panels. It looks like Dave ran out of ideas........ Looking for some trim to go on there way short of ground effects but hiding the rough panel connection. Fun to tinker on a vette.
The Prowler air dam shown works great. I put one on my 89 years ago and noticed a slight decrease in temperature while the car was moving. I have smacked it up against parking curbs and in general it has withstood great abuse on going up driveways and such. It withstood all this abuse without injury until this year when it finally cracked a little in the very middle at the tip. I even repainted it a couple of times with a spray can and it looked like new again. It looks good on the car. It gives the front a slight different look being smoother and one piece.(Look at the picture again) The brake duct holes are too small to be functional but they look good. By the way, I paid a lot less years ago. You may have to trim a little for a perfect fit but no big deal. Put one on your car you will be satisfied.
Tigmaned, I've got a Big Mouth sitting here waiting for installation if you want to look at one off the car...

FWIW, there's a three-piece spoiler set with the brake air ducts. I have it (Mid-america) and would NEVER buy it again. 1. The "ducts" are huge pieces of corregated plastic pipe that get tie-wrapped to your A-arms (no, I didn't put them on). 2. You have to pop-rivet the tubes to the spoiler openings. They provide the pop rivets, but never mentioned that you have to do this in the catalog... cheesy, IMHO. 3. The holes for installing it on the car are both bigger AND off-center from the stock holes, but not enough that you'd think it was a problem. I dragged the left side on my driveway and it apparently mostly came off because it actually fell off while driving, and it was of course immediately run over and destroyed. I plan to put the factory sides back on with the BMAD as the center (which I never had thanks to a previous owner removing not just the spoiler but the MOUNTINGS for it).

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