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[Bowlng Green Perf. Press 8/6/04] Corvette Part of Hands On History


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Corvette part of Hands on History
By: Emily Gries, WKU Intern

The Chevrolet Corvette is a living sports car legend, which draws visitors from all corners of the world to Bowling Green to see history in the making.

Six crew members shot video inside the plant on Tuesday, but they weren't any ordinary news crew.

The History Channel is running a series called Hands on History which features manufacturing facilities across the nation and how different products are made. They have already visited many places including the Louisville Slugger factory and their next trip will be to Utah to film the gold mining process.

Inside of the Bowling Green Assembly Plant, they want to focus on the history of the Corvette and the new 6th generation Corvette. The crew filmed many areas of the plant including the trim line, engine line, body marriage, and seat, door and windshield installation. After wrapping up at the plant, the crew
headed over to the Corvette Museum to learn some of the Corvette's rich history.

"We wanted to come to Corvette because it's the premier American sports car," said crewmember Christie Elwin. "This will be a real viewer grabbing show."

You may have seen the show on the History Channel before with host Ron Hazelton. This is the fourth season of the show and after this season they will have made 65 total episodes.

The episodes will air on TV this fall. The exact date when the Corvette Plant show will air is yet to be determined.

The History Channel crew interviews Plant Manager Wil Cooksey about the launch of the sixth generation Corvette.

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