Hello JamesPrice: -Is your engine idling excessively-fast, -perhaps you just forgot to replace the vacuum-line from engine to the booster/reservoir-tank! Also, have you tried the simple test of a Vacuume/Power-booster? --you know, start the engine and let it run for say about 30-sec. to fully stabilize the vacuume-circuit, then with your foot OFF of the brake-pedal, -shut-off the engine and let it sit for a minute. OK, now with the engine-off firmly-stab the brake-pedal, ---does it go down like you are getting assist from your booster? --If not, then the big-tank to which your Master-cyl. mounts is either not getting proper engine-suction, -or it is leaking-down the vacuume someplace (possibly at the check-valve or rubber-gromet feeding into the vac.-tank from the engine; -or the internal rubber-diaphragm is shot). If you've already done the above, then maybe something is screwed-up with the hyd.-circuit relative to the trickie proportioning-valve? -or a commonly defective rebuilt/Master-cyl?.... Hope this shade-tree mechanic info. helps; oh, and you might check with a local Power-brake Rebuilder-shoppe owner, and ask them if they know of a cheaper albeit equivalent Power-booster unit that would meet the C3's spatial requirements... -Bob vH