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Brake Caliper Mount bolts


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2003
Barrington, IL
2008 Z06
OK, so I was driving to dinner this evening in my vette, and i heard a "ping". The next time I steped on the brake I heard and felt a horrible grinding/pulsing noise from the drivers front corner... the whole car was shuddering!!! (Yikes :( ) So anyway, I got the car home and pulled the wheel. I was expecting to find a gruesome site... like a craked rotor or caliper. So, At first... I found nothing. Then I saw it... (I know, the suspense is killing you) Metal shavings on the top portion of the caliper. I look sideways for a second, then checked the inside of the wheel. Sure enough there was a groove gouged out all around the inside. I then pulled on the caliper to discover the upper bolt was missing (hence the "ping" noise I heard.

Now... I need your help... I need to know where I can get a couple of replacement mounting bolts. I looked at madvet.com and a few others this evening, but came up empty handed.

Thanks for reading and for any advise!

I just bought new bolts for my 77 at an auto parts/hardware store. They are a grade 8 7/16 - 20 , I think they are 1 1/2 inches but take one with you to make sure you get the right length
The mounting bolts are just 7/16 fine by about 2 inches long. I am not positive about the length but they are 7/16. I use grade 8 or better and get them from the local screw supplier. Pull the other mouning bolt out to get the length and go buy a couple.

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