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Brakes again....


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2003
Ocala, Florida
1993 Blue
So I order this brake kit, slotted and drilled rotors, nice ceramic pads. They never ever send the anti-rattle clips even with a kit. Love the new brakes but seems like every time I do a brake job on any car I always ask myself, why can't they give you new clips? Just sayin...l
So I order this brake kit, slotted and drilled rotors, nice ceramic pads. They never ever send the anti-rattle clips even with a kit. Love the new brakes but seems like every time I do a brake job on any car I always ask myself, why can't they give you new clips? Just sayin...l

All the brake pad I have ever bought or installed have always come with new anti rattle clips. I guess it just depends on where, and what you purchase.

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