Well instead of continuing to hijack the thread below I will start a new one to update the problem.
I have cured the hi-speed miss with cap rotor and new plugs correctly gapped. Put in new 02 sensor and fuel filter also. Ran the vette up the freeway to about 115 mph ( nobody else was out there so it was fairly safe to do this) and no miss. Now at an idle, in gear, it has what I call an occasional "burble" ? Neighbor is an instructor for Firestone and has an Allen Data Scope in the garage so we hooked it up to see what the problem might be. Scope shows bad sparkplug wires on two cylinders. No codes in on the DTC though. Am going to order new plug wires and clips and this should resolve the problem. (I think Bubba must have stuck a pin through the insulation on the plug wires for cylinders, #1 and #8. Probably where he/she hooked up a non-inductive timing light or something.) Oh well, time to do search for sparkplug wires and see what is the best brand to put on. The car realy feels like it has about 30 more HP (wishful thinking) now that it is hitting on all 8. Any suggestions for wires would be appreciated. Thanks.
PS: Do the Accel wires come custom made to fit my 91 Vette? and will the stock wiring looms/separators fit the 8MM wires? How bout the others? MSD, Taylor, Etc.
I have cured the hi-speed miss with cap rotor and new plugs correctly gapped. Put in new 02 sensor and fuel filter also. Ran the vette up the freeway to about 115 mph ( nobody else was out there so it was fairly safe to do this) and no miss. Now at an idle, in gear, it has what I call an occasional "burble" ? Neighbor is an instructor for Firestone and has an Allen Data Scope in the garage so we hooked it up to see what the problem might be. Scope shows bad sparkplug wires on two cylinders. No codes in on the DTC though. Am going to order new plug wires and clips and this should resolve the problem. (I think Bubba must have stuck a pin through the insulation on the plug wires for cylinders, #1 and #8. Probably where he/she hooked up a non-inductive timing light or something.) Oh well, time to do search for sparkplug wires and see what is the best brand to put on. The car realy feels like it has about 30 more HP (wishful thinking) now that it is hitting on all 8. Any suggestions for wires would be appreciated. Thanks.

PS: Do the Accel wires come custom made to fit my 91 Vette? and will the stock wiring looms/separators fit the 8MM wires? How bout the others? MSD, Taylor, Etc.