Gone but not forgotten
Ya gotta be careful where you route those wires!
I was fooling around with the Valentine One to try and position the remote display in a slightly different location. This involved me sitting in the passenger seat while I figured it out. (Actually, I wasn't quite sitting in it all the way; just sorta one butt cheek, with my right leg hanging out the door.)
I was leaning far to the driver's side, unknowingly pressing the "recline" button for the seat with my left hip. Well, the seat had moved as far as it was going to move and of course the motor kept struggling to move it some more! And we all know what happens when an "irresistable force meets an immovable object" - the thing heats up! One of the wires was lying on top of the motor and guess what?
Luckily it was all smoke and no fire, but what a lot of smoke there was!! And stink... Whew! The weird thing is the way smoke will travel through the insulation and appear at a completely different area from the short; at one point it appeared as though my fuse box was burning. :eek
Nothing at all seems to have been affected except of course the wiring for the passenger seat. And since I don't sit there, I don't think I'm gonna re-wire it. :L Maybe I'll just get some lightweight racing seats.
I was fooling around with the Valentine One to try and position the remote display in a slightly different location. This involved me sitting in the passenger seat while I figured it out. (Actually, I wasn't quite sitting in it all the way; just sorta one butt cheek, with my right leg hanging out the door.)
I was leaning far to the driver's side, unknowingly pressing the "recline" button for the seat with my left hip. Well, the seat had moved as far as it was going to move and of course the motor kept struggling to move it some more! And we all know what happens when an "irresistable force meets an immovable object" - the thing heats up! One of the wires was lying on top of the motor and guess what?
Luckily it was all smoke and no fire, but what a lot of smoke there was!! And stink... Whew! The weird thing is the way smoke will travel through the insulation and appear at a completely different area from the short; at one point it appeared as though my fuse box was burning. :eek
Nothing at all seems to have been affected except of course the wiring for the passenger seat. And since I don't sit there, I don't think I'm gonna re-wire it. :L Maybe I'll just get some lightweight racing seats.