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Bushing replacement


Feb 2, 2005
St Louis Mo
1979 Red on Red L82
Going to get my bushing replaced. Is there anything I should have looked at as long as I have the 'Vette in the shop? I have had her for just over year, and have not had to do to many things to it since. It is a 1979 L82, and has 38,000 miles on it.
Also, is it a big job to replace the bushings? I am not all that mechanical inclined, but willing to try anything, but limited on space and tools. Would it be worth the money just to have my mechanic to do it you all think?
Oh and poly or rubber, I know I have seen debates on both, just wondering what you all think on past experience!
Well more than likely all of them, they are all originals..I had my car in for state inspection and my mechanic said that I should get my bushings replaced asap! So I assume that all need fixed...he mentioned a torch a press among other tools, which I have no access to ...so I will be paying for it to get done.
If you're limited on space, tools, and experience, you're probably better off to have your shop do it; front suspension bushings require major disassembly and dealing with springs, and rear trailing arm bushings also require major disassembly and special tooling; both must be followed by a 4-wheel alignment. I wouldn't bother with the body mounts unless they're in really bad shape.
thank you JohnZ I hope that it will not cost an arm and a leg...I am thinking the body mounts are alright but the other mounts are for sure in need of repair. Thank you again!

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